Defending Endangered Somali Giraffe

Northeastern Kenya

Photo Credit: Somali Giraffe Project

Somali (reticulated) giraffe populations have declined by 50% in the last 30 years. With less than 16,000 left, they are listed as an Endangered species. Today these giraffe are largely restricted to the northern Kenya Rangelands, and a small number in southern Somalia and Ethiopia. 95% of their range is outside of formal protected areas.

Save Giraffes Now has partnered with the community-led Somali Giraffe Project to work across unprotected community lands in remote northeastern Kenya to save these giraffe. This effort includes enabling anti-poaching rangers, scouts, and patrols, snare removal, de-snaring animals that are caught, reducing human-giraffe conflict as well gathering vital information on giraffe population and movements.

These endangered giraffe need your support to continue the fight against illegal poaching and snares. Please join us and donate NOW to support these vital anti-poaching efforts to defend and guard these incredible giraffe. 100% of your donation goes to the on-the-ground conservation work in Africa.



Somali Giraffe
Photo Credit: Somali Giraffe Project

These endangered giraffe need your support to continue the fight against illegal poaching and snares. Please join us and donate NOW to support these vital anti-poaching efforts to defend and guard these incredible giraffe. 100% of your donation goes to the on-the-ground conservation work in Africa.